DScaler BT8x8 Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings for BT848/BT878 based cards. The default values are chosen to work well with most situations and usually do not need to be changed.

Setting Default Description
Agc Disable


Disable AGC(automatic gain control). This doesn't work well for almost anyone, but it's there.


Turn on Adaptive AGC , this is the Crush bit in the ADC Interface register.
White Crush Up


Fine tuning of the Adaptive AGC White Crush Up Register. This, and below, are the full 8 bit contents of the 2 registers. I'm not sure we have the best defaults here. See the BT8x8 datasheets.
White Crush Down


Fine tuning of the Adaptive AGC White Crush Down Registers. See above.
Even Chroma AGC


Even/odd chroma AGC. Must be 0 or 1. Turns on color AGC.
Odd Chroma AGC


Even Luma Peak 0 From the BT8X8datasheet: (PEAK) bit determines whether the normal luma low-pass filters are implemented via the HFILT bits, or the peaking filters are implemented. (HFILT is the horizontal filter mentioned below)
Odd Luma Peak 0  
Full Luma Range 1 Luma Output Range. DScaler defaults to 1 but maybe should be set to 0 for NTSC systems.
Even Luma Dec 0 From the datasheet: The Luma Decimation filter is used to reduce the high-frequency component of the luma signal. Useful when scaling to CIF resolutions or lower.  If ON it enables luma decimation using the selectable H filter.
Odd Luma Dec


Even Comb 1 Chroma Comb Enable. This bit determines if the chroma comb is included in
the data path. If enabled, a full line store is used to average adjacent lines of
color information, reducing cross-color artifacts.
Odd Comb 1  
Color Bars 0 Show color bars on display
Gamma Correction 0 Gamma Correction. This is another double negative. If it equals 0 (OFF) it really says we do not want to do gamma correction removal. If ON the we DO gamma correction removal. This setting doesn't appear to affect the YUY2 mode that we use and so has no effect.
Coring 0 Luma Coring. This sets the minimum black level. This value might also be different for PAL/NTSC. It must be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Unclear yet what is the best value.
Horz Filter 0 Turns on hardware Horizontal filter. Because of DScalers large scale only values 0 and 1 are valid. 0=normal 2 tap filter (like before), 4 adds a little more filter but works (I think) only when the BtLumaPeak and BtLumaDec are also both on. It makes thing a little softer.
Vert Filter 0 Vertical filter. Valid values would be 0-7 but at DScaler's resolution only 0 and 4 are allowed. 0 = 2-tap interpolation only. 4 = 2-tap plus z filter. This make thing a lot softer.
Color Kill 1 Auto Low Color Killer is supposed to suppress the color signal if it looks like a black and white video.
Custom Pixel Width 750 Pixel Width used when Custom Pixel Width is selected on the menu.
Horizontal Delay 0 Number of half lines to skip at the top before we start capturing. 0 means use default for format.
Vertical Delay 0 Period to skip on the left before we start capturing. 0 means use default for format.